Timmy Payungka Tjapangarti
One of Australia's "Grand Old Masters" of aboriginal art from Central Australia
Timmy Payungka Tjapangarti
Other Spellings: Tjapangati, Payungu, Pyungu, Japangardi, Timmy, Puyungku
Born: 1933 or 1942
Died: May, 2000
Region: Western Desert, Gibson Desert, Kimberley
Community Centre: Balgo Hills, Kintore, Papunya, Kiwirrkura
Outstation or Country: Lake Mackay, Parrayingi clay pans, Lake Hazlett
Language Bloc: Western Desert
Language: Pintupi
Social Affiliations: Tjapangati subsection
Subjects and Themes: bush tomato, dancing women, dingo, snake, water, Wilkinkarra snake
1983, Australian Government Information Service Calendar
Artbank, Sydney.
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth.
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
Museum of Victoria, Melbourne.
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
South Australian Museum, Adelaide.
The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth.
The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica, U.S.A.
1974, Anvil Art Gallery, Albury
1983, Mori Gallery, Sydney
1984, Papunya and Beyond, Araluen Centre, Alice Springs
1988, Dreamings, the art of Aboriginal Australia, The Asia Society
Galleries, New York. 1989, Papunya Tula: Contemporary Paintings from
Australia's Western Desert, John Weber Gallery, New York, USA.
1989, The Sixth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1989, A Myriad of Dreaming: Twentieth Century Aboriginal Art, Westpac
Gallery, Melbourne; Design Warehouse Sydney [through Lauraine Diggins Fine Art]
1990, l'ete Australien a' Montpellier, Musee Fabre Gallery, Montpellier, France.
1991, Canvas and Bark, South Australian Museum, Adelaide.
1990, The Seventh National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1991/92, Friendly Country, Friendly People, Touring Exhibition, through
Araluen Centre, Alice Springs.
1992, Tjukurrpa, Museum fur Volkerkunde, Basel.
1993, Tjukurrpa, Desert Dreamings, Aboriginal Art from Central Australia
(1971-1993), Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth WA
1994, Power of the Land, Masterpieces of Aboriginal Art, National Gallery of Victoria
Select Bibliography:
Bardon, G., 1979, Aboriginal Art of the Western Desert, Rigby, Adelaide. (C)
Bardon, G., 1991, Papunya Tula Art of the Western Desert, McPhee Gribble,
Ringwood, Victoria. (C)
Diggins, L. (ed.), 1989, A Myriad of Dreaming: Twentieth Century Aboriginal
Art, exhib. cat., Malakoff Fine Art Press, North Caulfield, Victoria.
Johnson, V., 1994, The Dictionary of Western Desert Artists, Craftsman House,
East Roseville, New South Wales. (C)
Sutton, P. (ed.), 1988, Dreamings: the Art of Aboriginal Australia, Viking,
Ringwood, Victoria. (C)
Sydney Morning Herald, 'Record damages for black painters', p.4.
Wed. December 14, 1994.
1993, Tjukurrpa Desert Dreamings, Aboriginal Art from Central Australia
(1971-1993), exhib. cat., Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth. (C)
For more Information
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