Thompson Yulidjirri

Australian Aboriginal Artist

One of Arnhemland's grand old masters

Thompson Yulidjirri

Born:		1930c		
Country:    	Gunbalanya  [Oenpelli]
Clan:		Djalama	
Language: 	Kunwinjku
Medium/ Form:
Bark painting, ochres on bark ans arches paper, didjeridu.

1993, FAC Darwin Airport Commission-painting on permanent display in Darwin Airport Foyer

Artbank, Sydney.
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.
Australian Museum, Sydney.
Flinders University Art Museum, Adelaide.
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth.
Dept. Trade & Foreign Affairs, Canberra

1984, The First National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
1984, Aboriginal Art, an Exhibition Presented by the Australian Institute
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.
1985, The Second National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory,
1987, The Fourth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1989, Masterpiece Fine Art Gallery, Hobart.
1990, Spirit in Land, Bark Paintings from Arnhem Land, National Gallery
of Victoria.
1992, The Ninth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the NT. 1993, The Tenth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the NT.
1994, Power of the Land, Masterpieces of Aboriginal Art, National
Gallery of Victoria.
1994, The Eleventh National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
1996, The Thirteenth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.

Select Bibliography:
Isaacs, J., 1989, Australian Aboriginal Paintings, Weldon Publishing, New South Wales.

Ryan, J., 1990, Spirit in Land, exhib. cat., National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

NT News, 27/12/1993, p. 6 1994, Kunwinjku Art from Injalak 1991 - 1992,

The John W. Kluge Commission, Museum Arts International Pty. Ltd., North Adelaide.

1995 Readers Digest, March (Australian Edition), "Painting the Hungry Crocodile"
(Printed in 28 overseas editions in 19 languages)